
Friday 23 January 2015

American Scientists List of 100 or so books that shaped a century of science

Sometime in the past, the good people at American Scientist decided to publish a list of scientific books that shaped 20th century science. My aim is to read all of them. Yes, I hear you! Its a tall task, but probably by the end of my life I would read a good amount of them. So to put into perspective I decided to list the books that I have already read, either partly or in full from that list. To see the original list, click here. Here goes my sub list from that list.

Saturday 3 January 2015

Books that I read in 2014

The last year (2014) was not a very good one for me, book-wise. I didn't read a lot of books, and the fiction titles that I read last year disappointed me a bit. The year was a very busy one for me academically and it was a bit successful in that front. Also, if you do not do an activity for a long time, it really gets difficult to take up that activity again. For me, reading books had taken a backseat after I joined university in 2009, and so 2014 was also not an exception. But I did manage to read some really good books in the last year too. Since August 2014 I have started to keep track of the books that I have read here. One of my new year resolution is to read at least 10 books each of fiction and non-fiction titles in this year. Here I give a brief account.

Friday 2 January 2015

Book Review: Adultery by Paulo Coelho

At the very mention of Paulo Coelho, I envision a book that is of full of wisdom and emotional insight. This new book wishes to do exactly that, but does not quite reach up to the standards set by The Alchemist or Veronika Decides to Die. The book fundamentally talks of how monotony leads to apathy in relationships.